Invite a participant to register from the waitlist

When the Full Control waitlist is enabled, you have the flexibility to manually decide which customers on the waitlist receive an invitation to register for an available spot. Only those you send an invitation to will have the opportunity to register, so actively managing the waitlist is essential for filling spots in your class when you opt for this configuration.
How to send an invitation to register:
- Navigate to your schedule roster.
- Click on the Waitlist tab.
- Click the “Invite to register” icon to send an invitation.

How the invitation works for customers
When you invite a customer to register, you notify them that the participant they added to the waitlist is now eligible to register because a spot has become available. The customer will receive an email notification containing a link to the activity’s public page for quick access to registration.
When they click “Sign up now,” they will be directed to the activity’s public page. If a spot is still available and the registration period is open, they can proceed with registration.
Here’s what the email your customers will receive looks like:

When you invite a customer to sign up from the Full Control waitlist, they receive an email notification with a link to the activity's page. The email is merely a notification and the link a convenience; access to register does not require using the link in the email. Once on the activity page, the customer needs to select which participant they’d like to register from the dropdown. If they select a participant that you previously invited, the "Sign Up" button will be enabled for them, allowing them to register, as long as there are still spots available. For participants who haven't been invited, the "Join the Waitlist" option will appear instead.
Invitation status
To confirm that an invite has been sent, check the Status column in the Waitlist tab. This column provides details such as when the participant was last invited, who sent the invitation, and whether the invitation is still active or has been revoked.

Revoke invite
The invitation does not expire, but you can revoke it at any time before the participant is added to the roster.

Removal from waitlist when registered
Once the customer completes the registration, they are automatically removed from the waitlist and added to the schedule’s roster with a special tag: “Converted from Waitlist.”
Important to note
- This action does not override the schedule’s capacity. If you send invitations to multiple customers on the waitlist, spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If another invited customer books the available spot first, the link for this participant will no longer secure a spot.
- This action does not override the registration period. Customers will not be able to register once the registration period has ended.
- The registration link is not only unique to the customer’s account but to the participant. If the customer shares the link with a different user or selects a different participant they won’t be able to proceed with the registration.
Is your “Invite” button is disabled? Learn why
You can only invite a participant to register if the waitlist is enabled and the registration is possible. This means:
- A spot must be available.
- The registration period must still be open.
If either condition is not met:
- Additional registrations, even with an invite, will not be allowed.
- Both the “Invite to Register” and “Revoke Invite” functions will remain unavailable.
To enable registrations for customers with an invite or to send new invites, you can adjust the schedule settings by increasing the capacity and/or extending the registration period.