Set up my Stripe account

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By Village
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At Village, we utilize the payment platform Stripe to collect secure online payments. To start collecting payouts for your activities, follow these simple steps to create and connect your Stripe account with the Village platform.

Steps your connect your Stripe account:

  1. Log in to Village
  2. Navigate to the “Details” tab located under the provider dropdown.
  3. On the payment section, locate and click the "Create Stripe account" button. Follow the provided instructions to set up your Stripe account.

Within a few minutes, your Stripe account will be successfully linked, and you'll be all set to start receiving payments. You can monitor the progress of your payouts and customize your payment preferences through your Stripe payment dashboard.

In the event of a process failure, Stripe will notify you via email to resolve any issues. If you encounter any Stripe-related issues, please reach out to Stripe support.

💡 For further insights into payout timelines, be sure to check out: "Payment schedules: when do I get paid?"

If you have any questions or require additional assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at

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