Provider support: How we offer assistance

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By Village
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At Village, we want to provide a seamless experience for both providers and the families who use our platform. We want to ensure you are fully informed about how our support policies work.

What we offer

We are committed to providing support to you as a provider. We're here to help you succeed in delivering your services and ensure your experience with us is as satisfactory as possible.

Whether you're seeking assistance with onboarding to a new feature, setting up your activity, or simply want to provide feedback, we're here for you. Reach out to us at, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

What we don't offer

It's important to note that as a company, we do not provide direct customer support to the families attending your activities. Any inquiries they might have about cancellations, refunds, schedule changes, questions about the activity, or other matters related to the customer experience will be handled directly by you as the activity provider.

If you find any impediment on Village that prevents you from giving a response to your clients, we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact us in such cases so that we can collaborate in resolving the issue effectively and timely.

Have further questions?

If you have any additional questions about our support process or anything else related to your experience as a provider on our platform, feel free to reach out! We're here to ensure your success every step of the way.

Have feedback?
Let us know!
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